Dr. Kenneth Hughes began performing FaceTite in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills in 2016. FaceTite is a new minimally invasive technique that reduces skin laxity of the face and neck. Traditionally, skin tightening was previously achieved through more invasive procedures, such as a facelift or a neck lift. FaceTite utilizes minimally invasive radio-frequency energy to smooth and tighten skin for patients with minimal scarring and reduced downtime. Dr. Kenneth Hughes is a FaceTite and Bodytite expert and is featured on InMode’s website for Bodytite and Facetite.
what separates the facetite results of dr. hughes from other plastic surgeons?
It is not just the technology but it is how that technology is utilized. Dr. Kenneth Hughes receives patients from all over the US and all over the world to obtain his expertise in facetite procedures and facelift procedures and for difficult skin laxity and liposuction revision procedures that are considered by many other plastic surgeons to be UNCORRECTABLE. There is hope for these deformities, and Dr. Hughes is bringing hope to patients every day with these facetite procedures for facial revision surgery. Dr. Kenneth Hughes also performs a great number of body skin tightening procedures and body liposuction revision procedures with Bodytite.
expert plastic surgeon in los angeles and beverly hills
Hughes Plastic Surgery is built on a foundation of principles that consistently sets the highest standards in plastic surgery, and continually exceeds patient expectations in results. The first critical component of Dr. Kenneth B. Hughes’ renowned success is the strength of the academic platform upon which the practice rests.
how is facetite better than a facelift?
By avoiding a facelift procedure, patients will be virtually scar free. Patients will benefit from reduced swelling and discomfort. Facetite has minimal downtime and patients will look better in 1 week. In addition, Facetite can be comfortably performed under local anesthesia in 30 minutes to 1 hr.
how is a facelift better than facetite?
Patients should not expect tightening like that of an excisional surgical result (i.e. a face lift or a lower face and neck lift). The direct removal of skin will always produce a tighter result, and Dr. Hughes always makes this point crystal clear. Dr. Kenneth Hughes has elite facelift training from Harvard Medical School Aesthetic Fellowship and will produce your best facelift results as well.
facetite results
Dr. Kenneth Hughes will give you the best FaceTite results possible for your anatomy as long as you follow the postoperative instructions. Dr. Hughes will give you the highest probability for success and he also uses Facetite in conjunction with other procedures for the best possible results. Results can be seen following resolution of swelling, with best results seen in 3 to 6 months.
what is the cost of facetite?
- The cost for Facetite is $10,500 for the lower face and neck areas (with discounts applied for additional areas)
Please note that pricing for Facetite may vary based on the individual needs of the patient.
what areas can be treated with facetite?
Any areas on the face and neck with saggy skin can be treated. This includes the double chin, the neck, the jowls, the jawline and mandible, and marionette lines as well as other areas with deep lines and loose skin. Areas of fatty deposits on the neck, under the chin, along the jaw, and around the cheeks can be treated with liposuction at the same time as FaceTite, if desired.
facetite recovery
FaceTite is a minimally-invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia or light sedation. After the procedure, the patient can go home and resume regular activities in 1 to 2 weeks.
Wearing a compression garment for about 1 week is required for best results.
why is facetite superior to smartlipo, laserlipo, and vaserlipo?
Facetite utilizes a radiofrequency model that is unique to these devices. Facetite is bipolar, in which energy oscillates between the two poles to increase energy delivery and efficiency. The energy delivered by Facetite is both better contained and results in fewer and smaller burns, if any, compared to the older monopolar devices like smart lipo, laser lipo, vaser lipo, and the great numbers of others with older technology. Although it is tempting to lump all technological advances together and categorize them as the same, this is one case in which patients and surgeons alike would be foolish to designate these technologies as the same or equal.
set up your facetite consultation
To set up an appointment for Facetite, call or contact our Los Angeles office.