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Upper and Lower Eyelids Article 2

History and Exam in Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery Patients

History for Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery

Patients should not be taking medications that are anticoagulants such as anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular drugs and vitamins (especially vitamin E ). Herbal supplement use should be discontinued. Herbal preparations can present risks to anesthesia and surgery, particularly those affecting blood pressure, blood coagulation, the cardiovascular system, and healing.

Dr. Hughes will ask you specific questions about your medical history, especially hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. He will ask about problems with bleeding or clotting.

Patients should stop smoking one month prior to surgery.

Contact lens wearers should discontinue contact lens wear before surgery if there is any question and leave the lenses out for at least 2 weeks after surgery to allow healing without the need to manipulate the eyelids.

Patients who have LASIK or similar procedures are at greater risk for dry eyes.

Preoperative Exam for Blepharoplasty (upper and lower eyelid surgery)

Dr. Hughes will assess the shape of the eyes. He will point out prominence or asymmetry of the globes. He will examine for evidence of exposure, dryness, or “injection” of vessels. He will check to make sure that you can completely close your eyes.

He will check the tone of the lower lids by pulling the lid away from the globe and releasing them. He will also test how quickly the lower lid returns to position after depressing. In addition, Dr. Hughes will evaluate for presence of herniating fat.